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Are you facing chronic challenges and want to improve your resilience and overall well-being?


CONTI provides clients and audiences with the tools needed to position themselves for success and better wellness.

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As someone with neck and shoulder muscle tension due to chronic migraine, I'm always looking for new stretches and suggestions for relaxing. Thank you for helping me get out of pain! 

Shay V.

Ms. Christine’s energy and love for what she does motivates me to want to live. While she leads us through exercises to help us prevent falls, she makes sure we are exercising our brains when she asks us trivia questions and encourages us to sing along with her. She makes me feel young and alive again!I look forward to my time with Ms. Christine each week and I believe she is an angel who has come into my life to help me and everyone she meets.

“I’m all by myself. My wife died last year and there was such a loneliness in my life, until Christine came along. The more I had sessions with her, the more improvement I saw. We’re like a family. The lonesome spot I had with my wife passing has been filled.


Irene K. Greene

Keynote Speaker

& Educator

Courage, Resilience, Chronic Disease Prevention, Reinvention, Overcoming Fear - Christine focuses on providing customized speaking sessions that inspire, motivate, and empower attendees at events of any size.

Chronic Disease Wellness Coaching Private Sessions

Private wellness sessions are tailored specifically to YOU - the client. Christine creates and coaches for your specific health concerns to help you live your best life, regardless of diagnosis. 

Professional Development

From Corporate and School Physical and Mental Health to mindset programs, professional development sessions are led by Christine in a way that connects to employees and students, providing them with information to take with them on their unique life path.

Chronic Disease Fitness Coaching Private Sessions

Fitness plans are imperative for those with chronic disease. Christine tailors private sessions specifically to help you feel and look your best.

Fitness & Wellness Business Consulting

Business consulting services are for clients ready to move to the next level and GROW. With decades of experience in the fitness industry, Christine partners with clients to create unique, impactful, and actionable business strategies

Facial Rehabilitation Sessions & Certifications

Let’s FACE It Together™ is a facial exercise program that focuses on strengthening facial and neck muscles so you can fight the signs of aging, prolong the onset of disease, improve facial expression, increase socialization, and build confidence.


Fall Prevention

Fall prevention is a perfect way for personal trainers to utilize their expert knowledge and experience to help teach participants all over the world how to safely make people FallPROOF™.

Eating Disorders & Fitness Professional Courses

With a focus on whole health, Christine creates programs designed to coach through the mental, physical, and spiritual needs of clients facing eating disorders and eating disorder remission.

Arthritis Fitness


Working with those who have arthritis, or coaching those who are looking to assist clients with arthritis, Christine safely and effectively designs and implements exercise programs for arthritic populations. 

Orthopedic Exercise


Through personalized program design, Christine creates courses to help clients restore their confidence in performing activities of daily living and regain an active lifestyle. 

Chronic Disease Fitness Specialist

As an expert, Christine works with clients who have chronic disease/medical conditions, including but not limited to: Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, Cancer, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Heart Disease, Mental Disorders, Pre & Postnatal Care, and Respiratory Diseases.

Race & Iron Man Coaching

A running coach and athlete who has completed over 50 marathons and 3 IRONMAN races, Christine coaches clients of all fitness levels to reach their goals and finish strong.


Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.

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